Category: Xray Vision

Xray Vision: Chest Pain

20 year old muscular 6’3″ man presents to the ED with chest pain and states that it feels like “bubble wrap popping” when he bends over and reports some difficulty breathing. No hx of trauma. You get a CXR and…

Xray Vision Answer

Good job, Dr. Oiyemhonlan. This is a Monteggia fracture!   Monteggia Fractures   Overview: Dislocation of the proximal radioulnar joint in association with a forearm fracture. Relatively uncommon. Less than 5% of all forearm fracture. Primarily associated with falls on…

Xray Vision: Limping Answer

Here’s the image again: good job, Dr. Berkowitz! The image shows SCFE of the right hip. SCFE Slipped capital femoral epiphysis results from a Salter-Harris physeal fracture. Mainly occurs between ages of 10 -16 years. Incidence is higher in boys…

Xray Vision: Limping

A “chubby” 13 year-old male presents with ED with 3 months of right hip pain. Per patient’s mom, the pain is progressively getting worse that the patient has been limping for last few weeks. Denies pain at the knee or…

Xray Vision: Answer

Here are the images again:   There is a right middle third clavicle fracture and right scapula fracture!     Scapula Fractures: Relatively uncommon Many associated injuries, which can be LIFE-THREATENING: hemothorax, pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, humeral fractures, skull fractures, or…

Xray Vision: My Shoulder Hurts

35 year old male presents s/p trauma. Patient was riding a motorcycle when he was struck by another vehicle, which caused patient flip in the air and fall on his right shoulder. On exam you see visible deformity around his…