Xray Vision: It All Falls Down

During one of your trauma shifts at Janus General, a 21 year old male is BIBEMS s/p fall onto his head. Patient was unresponsive at the scene without a gag reflex, but the patient could not be intubated in the…

A Critical Care Frequent Flyer: Stroke

We discussed an informative and interesting review article on stroke management in October’s Critical Care Minifellowship meeting. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062315/ This article highlights some important points (that shed light on how complicated the brain truly is) and touches upon some interesting neurological…

Rhythm Nation October 2014

This month we have a guest author Dr. Yonatan Yohannes!   You are busy working late one night in the ED at Janus General when… a tech hands you the ECG shown below for a patient presenting with “chest pain”.…

Case # 4 -Answer

Want to re-read the case before checking out the answer? See it here   The Answer   Back To Fun Med School Pathophys Two centers of language are Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area. To put it simply, Wernicke’s is responsible…