Right on Target: A Petite Peds Post

Written by Dr. Michelle DiMare Welcome back! This month’s post is brought to you by my sudden increase in peds shifts and everyone’s favorite chief complaint: vomiting. While ultrasounding a tiny, crying, puking, squirmy patient can often seem like a…

Rhythm Nation June 2015 – Answer!

Congratulations Dr. Grundmann! The ECG shows  T-wave inversions with prominent U-waves in leads V3-V6, and less prominent in leads II, II, aVF. The QT interval is also prolonged. All signs pointing towards hypokalemia. This patient’s potassium level of 2.3 mEq/L.…


By Baruch Berzon MD and Richard Sinert MD Case Presentation A 32 year-old male presents in August to EMS with complaints of “flutter in my chest” and light-headedness for an hour. The paramedics find a young man in mild distress…

Xray Vision: Chest Pain

20 year old muscular 6’3″ man presents to the ED with chest pain and states that it feels like “bubble wrap popping” when he bends over and reports some difficulty breathing. No hx of trauma. You get a CXR and…