6/18/14 Wednesday Wrap Up

Brought to by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Dr. Moran’s Lecture Pt presents with mid-dilated non-reactive pupil.  He has?       Dr. Nguyen’s Lecture Case presentation for irregularly irregular tachycardia at a rate of 150. Diagnosis: atrial…

6/25 Adult Journal Club

Which neutropenic patients are sick? Or sick-est? During the heme/onc module, Dr Reisman will dissect the following paper: neturo cohort   Let’s discuss pre-conference:  Is this applicable to your practice?  What are the limitations?  Will this change what you do tomorrow?

Wed Wrap Up 6/11/14

Brought to you by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Special Thanks to our Grand Rounds Speaker, Dr. Christopher Doty.   Peds Case Conference, by Dr. Francis Youn Neutropenic Fever – ANC = WBC (in thousands) cells/mcL * [(neutrophil…