Rhythm Nation May 2015 Answer!

Rhythm Nation May 2015 Answer Congratulations to Dr. Reza Roodsari! This is indeed a case of digoxin toxicity.  Whenever you see “regularized a-fib,” that is, regular QRS intervals in a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation, think digoxin toxicity until proven otherwise. What…

A Tox Mystery….

By Dr. Alex Brevil This drug causes this rash…   This drug caused an outbreak of agranulocytosis among healthy 20 year olds… The drug is widely available in countries with a large livestock industry (for use as antihelminthic)…    …

Xray Vision Answer

Good job, Dr. Oiyemhonlan. This is a Monteggia fracture!   Monteggia Fractures   Overview: Dislocation of the proximal radioulnar joint in association with a forearm fracture. Relatively uncommon. Less than 5% of all forearm fracture. Primarily associated with falls on…