Tag: anesthesia

Morning Report: 7/9/2015

Dr. Ozaki presents today’s Morning Report!   Ultrasound-Guided Fascia Iliaca Block   *Consider this as an adjunct for pain control in patients with hip fractures.   Fascia Iliaca is located anterior to the iliacus muscle -Femoral and lateral cutaneous nerves…

Morning Report: 12/16/2014

Here’s Dr. LoCascio with today’s Morning Report!   Landmark Guided Wrist Blocks Ultrasound guided blocks are great but we can’t forget how to do it based on landmarks.   Median Block Locate the space between flexor palmaris logus and flexor…

Morning Report: 10/7/2014

Dr. Gomes presents today’s Morning Report!   PROCEDURAL SEDATION   Definition: -technique of administering a sedative or dissociative agent along with analgesia to induce a state that allows patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining adequate spontaneous cardiorespiratory function  …

Morning Report: 8/12/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Oiyemhonlan!   Analgesia and Sedation Induction = Sedation = No Analgesia (exception Ketamine)   Paralytics (Muscle Relaxant): Blocks the transmission of the action potential at the neuromuscular junction causing paralysis. Does not provide Analgesia…

Morning Report: 6/19/2014

Here’s Dr. Alsup with today’s Morning Report!   ETCO2 – Capnography   Technology -Infrared spectroscopy, co2 absorbs specific wavelength -Micro sampling vs in line spectroscopy   Physiology -Aerobic cell metabolism produces co2 -CO2 diffused easily across alveoli and exhaled -CO2…

Morning Report: 3/21/14

Dr. Shin presents today’s special March Madness edition of Morning Report!   Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block   A nerve block of the intraoral mandibular or inferior alveolar nerve anesthetizes the following: The body of the mandible and the lower portion…

Morning Report: 1/28/2014

Thanks to Dr. Basile for today’s Morning Report!   New Approach to the Digital Block   Traditional digital nerve block: –        two injections where you hit all four digital nerves with injections on both sides of the finger at MCP…