Tag: cardiology

Morning Report: 3/11/14

Here’s Dr. Grock with today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 65 yo F known CHF presents with palpitations.  Compliant with home meds, except Coumadin.  No chest pain/sob/change in ET/orthopnea/pnd/other complaints.   EKG shows: afib, rate of 87.  CBC/CMP/TSH/Ua/CXR unremarkable.   Plan?…

Morning Report: 1/30/2014

Dr. Freedman is back again with another Morning Report!     To “P” or not to “P”   Ddx for a regular, fast, narrow (or not) rhythm? ST AVNRT AVRT AVRT A Flutter A Tach +/- Abberancy   What’s the…

Morning Report: 1/16/2014

Thanks to Dr. Freedman for today’s Morning Report!   Fascicular Block (Hemiblock)   Definition:  Conduction delay in of the main divisions of the left bundle, either anterior or posterior   LAFB Criteria: Dominant R waves in I, aVL Dominant S…

Morning Report: 12/5/2013

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Freedman! The Case: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Definition: increased mass of the left ventricle   How?: Things that cause increased afterload HTN Aortic Stenosis Coarctation Genetics HCOM Volume Overload? Mitral Regurg Aortic Regurg  …

Morning Report: 10/10/2013

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Freedman!   Troponin-emia 101                    Background Compromised of three subunits:  T, I, and C Both T and I subunits are highly-specific for cardiac tissue Since 1995, has emerged as the cardiac biomarker of…

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013 PULMONARY EMBOLISM Summary by Dr. Eugene Kang   Diagnosis and EKG: -Most common EKG finding: non-specific ST-T changes (at least for our boards) -Other findings: sinus tachycardia, complete or incomplete RBBB, RAD, right atrial…

Morning Report: 8/23/2013

Thanks to Dr. Grock for today’s Morning Report!   The case: 20 yo male no pmhx, presents with pleuritic chest pain, dizziness, and worsening DOE x 3 days (class IV).  No fevers, no toxic habits, no travel/sx/immobilizations/hx dvt or pe.…