Tag: CCM

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014 (Sorry posting this a little late!) Presented by Dr. Freedman Summary by Dr. Youn   CASE: 84M with CAD (recent NSTEMI) on ASA and Clopidogrel, CHF, HTN, DM p/w 4 episodes of BRBPR with dizziness and SOB.…

EM CCM Conference: October 2013

EM CCM Conference: October 2013 BETA-BLOCKER TOXICITY PRESENTED BY DR. KENDALL SUMMARY BY DR. YOUN The Case: HISTORY: 91F with HTN, DM on carvedilol, labetalol BIBEMS for weakness, dizziness, and near-syncope.   VITALS: BP 76/38, HR 41   PRIMARY INTERVENTIONS:…

Wednesday Wrap-up: 8/15/2012

We had some great senior lectures this morning that touched on a bunch of controversial issues in EM. I wanted to talk more about the concept of fluid responsiveness which has become an increasingly popular topic among the EM sepsis literature, lecture circuit,…