Tag: Critical Care

Hypotension and Bradycardia in the Poisoned Patient: Calcium Channel Antagonists

  The next topic in the case of a 23 year old female with an intentional, unknown overdose and subsequent hypotension and bradycardia is calcium channel antagonist (calcium channel blocker) poisoning. Calcium Channel Antagonists In contrast to β-adrenergic antagonists (BB),…

A Critical Care Frequent Flyer: Stroke

We discussed an informative and interesting review article on stroke management in October’s Critical Care Minifellowship meeting. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062315/ This article highlights some important points (that shed light on how complicated the brain truly is) and touches upon some interesting neurological…

Morning Report: 8/12/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Oiyemhonlan!   Analgesia and Sedation Induction = Sedation = No Analgesia (exception Ketamine)   Paralytics (Muscle Relaxant): Blocks the transmission of the action potential at the neuromuscular junction causing paralysis. Does not provide Analgesia…

Morning Report: 8/5/2014

Dr. Berzon presents some airway pearls for today’s Morning Report!   Airway Pearls   Rotate on Anesthesia as a senior, you will learn things that will make you a better intubator. As a junior, you just wanna shove that tube through…

EM-CCM Conference June 2014

EM-CCM Conference on 6/18/14 Presented by Dr. Bonnie Brown Special Thanks to Dr. Gillette for his insightful comments and attendance. The Case 41 yo F pmhx Sickle Cell Disease presents 15 hours after onset of right face numbness, right arm…

The “Soft” Code

EMS notification. 115 year old female in cardiac arrest. ACLS in progress. Estimated time of arrival: 5 minutes. Your stomach groans. Upon EMS arrival, you learn that she comes from a nursing facility and has end-stage dementia; she is bed-bound,…