Tag: EBM

Less is More

I had wanted to write on the utility and interpretation of serial CBCs.   I do it all the time and I’m sure my practice is not well-informed.  However, it’s doing.  It’s active. And we love doing. (Check out Drs Sinert…

Don’t just do something, stand there.

Bad things happen.  Trauma and tragic illnesses take the young and old.  The world is not kind or just.  And we, emergency docs, work at the intersection of daily life and tragedy.  We strive to mitigate illness and injury.  But…

Staten Island Corner: The Intubated Asthmatic

Welcome back to this month’s edition of Staten Island Corner.  I decided to review the literature on the proper initial management of intubated asthmatic patients.  Although asthma is a very common disease and something that we deal with on a…

EBM: 4/2/2012

Welcome to the first Evidence Based Medicine blog entry, where we discuss the mounds or molehills of data for what we do in the ED. Are we practicing dogma? Or is there some science behind it? For the first topic,…