Tag: endocrine

Morning Report: 2/5/2015

Thanks to Dr. Lo Cascio for today’s Morning Report!   Case: 70 F BIBA with transcutaneous pacing pads on being paced at 80 bpm. Pt is unresponsive with SBP 170s.   Pt is normothermic with FS 170. Pt has PMH of HTN, DM,…

Morning Report: 2/3/2015

Dr. Lewis presents today’s Morning Report!   Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia: serum glucose of <50 mg/dL, less than 30 mg/dL is considered severe hypoglycemia   Causes Re Renal Ex Exogenous Insulin/antihyperglycemics P Pituitary Insufficiency L Liver A Alcohol, Addison’s, Aspirin I Infection,…

Morning Report: 12/19/2014

Thanks to Dr. Kopping for today’s Morning Report!   THYROID STORM   Thyrotoxicosis represents anywhere from 0.05% to 1.3% Storm represents <10% of hospitalized However untreated 80 to 100% mortality Drops to 20 to 30% with treatment   What makes…

Morning Report: 11/25/2014

Dr. Freedman is back with Part 2 of his Morning Report! Part 2:   Quick Case: A 32 year-old gentleman, with no past medical history, presents with “I can’t move my legs.”   Serum potassium = 1.4mmol/L.   Diagnosis: Hypokalemic Periodic…

Morning Report: 10/9/2014

Thanks to Dr. Brown for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case presentation: 46 y/o F with no sig PMH presented to ED with chief complaint of vomiting and weakness.  HR 132, RR 20, Temp 99.6, BP 185/75, and O2 100%…

Morning Report: 6/10/2014

Sorry for the delay but here’s another Morning Report presented by Dr. Louis!   Thyrotoxicosis / Thyroid Storm   Thyrotoxicosis: Hypermetabolic syndrome secondary to excess synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones. Most common forms of hyperthyroidism being Graves disease, toxic…

Morning Report: 1/14/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Aldokhi!   AKA versus DKA AKA DKA –        Alcoholic –        Underlying disease –        Missed Etoh –        Diabetic –        Underlying disease –        Missed insulin Nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain Nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain…