Tag: GI

Morning Report: 6/4/2015

Here’s Dr. Freedman with today’s Morning Report!   The LGIB Toolbox   Why? Tools for diagnosis and therapy are limited.   NG Lavage stinks. RBC Scan not an ED test Colonoscopy has not been shown to be useful. Stable, Prepped…

Morning Report: 4/2/2015

Here’s Dr. Wang with today’s Morning Report!   Ingested Foreign Body Foreign bodies can be anywhere in the entire GI tract. The esophagus has three areas of narrowing where foreign bodies are most likely to become entrapped upper esophageal sphincter…

Morning Report: 3/19/2015

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Aldokhi!     My Butt Hurts (Procidentia)   Case: 79 year old female with abdominal pain   Definition  Full-thickness intussusception of the rectum through the anus Epidemiology Bimodal age distribution (extreme of age)…

Morning Report: 10/24/2014

Thanks to Dr. Kincade for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Esophageal Varices Esophageal varices are dilated veins within the wall of the esophagus, usually at the distal end   Epidemiology -50% of patients with cirrhosis; 25% to 35% variceal rupture…

Morning Report: 10/14/2014

Here’s Dr. Aluisio with today’s Morning Report!     Medical Therapies for Stable Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Risk, Benefit and Equivocality   Epidemiology • Incidence: 40-150 per 100,000 per annum, with 450,000 hospitalizations in the USA • Causes: peptic ulcer (~45%);…

Morning Report: 9/5/2014

Here’s Dr. Aldokhi with today’s Morning Report!   Pancreatitis Epidemiology –       Annual incidence of acute pancreatitis range from 4.9 to 35 per 100,000 –       Mortality1.5 percent in mild pancreatitis & 17 percent in severe pancreatitis –       Alcoholic pancreatitis is more…

EM-CCM Conference: May 2014

EM-CCM CONFERENCE SUMMARY PRESENTED BY DR. PIA DANIEL SUMMARY BY DR. FRANCIS YOUN     CASE: Elderly, bedbound, nonverbal female with past history of dementia, hypothyroidism, sigmoid volvulus s/p sigmoidectomy and colostomy sent from NH for altered mental status, fever, and…