Tag: GI

Morning Report: 5/22/2014

Thanks to Dr. Coquillon for today’s Morning Report!   Ascaris-induced intestinal obstruction Ascaris lumbricoides: Most common helminth (roundworm) infection in the world; usually in tropical countries with warm, wet climates Length: 1mm to 1m Occur in all age groups yet…

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014 (Sorry posting this a little late!) Presented by Dr. Freedman Summary by Dr. Youn   CASE: 84M with CAD (recent NSTEMI) on ASA and Clopidogrel, CHF, HTN, DM p/w 4 episodes of BRBPR with dizziness and SOB.…

Morning Report: 3/6/2014

Thanks to Dr. Basile for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 74 yo female with pmh of HTN and arthritis presents with 3-4 days of lightheadedness and weakness.  Pt also reports intermittent epigastric abdominal pain two days prior to presentation.  Pt…

Morning Report: 1/3/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 47 y.o male with history of EtOH abuse, presents with vomiting. VS: 97/52, HR 123 RR 24, Os Sat 98%. On exam the patient has a mildly distended abdomen with multiple…

Food Borne Illness

Food-borne illness is all too common.  Scott did a great job at our last WM meeting discussing the different types of food-borne illness and some of their treatments.  The PDF for the article he discussed can be found here: Treating…