Tag: ID

Pirate Baby’s Never Bored Review

It’s a busy weekday shift in the Peds ED on Jolly Roger Island. A captain brings in his 11 day old newborn scallywag, concerned about her left eye being ‘swollen, crusty, and oozing pus.’ He notes that she cries anytime he…

Dazed & Confused & Bored Review

It’s a typical busy Saturday night in the main ER, with your alcoholics and K2-smokers causing a ruckus, when you pick up a 32yo woman brought in by her friend for ‘acting strange.’ You think maybe she joined the K2-bandwagon…

Morning Report: 3/20/2015

Dr. Grock presents today’s Morning Report!   Pulmonary Infections   CAP If no abx in last 3 mo and healthy: A Macrolide (2nd line Doxy) If chronic heart, lung, liver, renal disease, DM, ETOH, Ca, Asplenia, Immunosuppressed, or abx use…

Morning Report: 10/30/2014

Thanks to Dr. Grock for presenting today’s Morning Report!   The Sign Out 45 yo M h/o AIDS (CD4=8, not on HAART) presents with voluminous non-bloody diarrhea x 3 days and near syncope/light-headedness today. No recent travel/antibiotics. He reports trying to…

Morning Report: 10/23/2014

Here’s Dr. Alsup with today’s Morning Report!   Eye Infections   Orbital septum -Connective tissue extension of the orbital periosteum -Extends into the upper and lower eyelids   Periorbital / Preseptal Average age: 2 yo Result of local trauma, including…

Morning Report: 8/15/2014

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Rolston-Cregler!   EBOLA!!!!   Primary exposure: work in an endemic area Secondary Exposure: human to human, primate to human   Presentation: –       Early findings include high fevers, pharyngitis, severe constitutional signs and symptoms,…

EM-CCM Conference: May 2014

EM-CCM CONFERENCE SUMMARY PRESENTED BY DR. PIA DANIEL SUMMARY BY DR. FRANCIS YOUN     CASE: Elderly, bedbound, nonverbal female with past history of dementia, hypothyroidism, sigmoid volvulus s/p sigmoidectomy and colostomy sent from NH for altered mental status, fever, and…