Tag: metabolic

Morning Report: 11/25/2014

Dr. Freedman is back with Part 2 of his Morning Report! Part 2:   Quick Case: A 32 year-old gentleman, with no past medical history, presents with “I can’t move my legs.”   Serum potassium = 1.4mmol/L.   Diagnosis: Hypokalemic Periodic…

Morning Report: 11/21/2014

Thanks to Dr. Freedman for today’s Morning Report! Part 1:   ECG Findings of Hypokalemia   First some definitions: Mild: K < 3.5 mmol/L Moderate: K < 3.0 Severe: K < 2.5   ECG Changes: Typically appear at ~2.7 Increased…

Morning Report: 11/7/2014

Here’s Dr. Aldokhi with today’s Morning Report!   AG Acidosis Case 1 HX 29 YOM no PMH , sent from CPEP for abnormal labs, patient has unspecified psychosis, no etoh, no drugs Px Vitals normal, dry MM, flat affect rest…

Morning Report: 8/26/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom with today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 69 M with history of HTN and DM presents with 1 day of nausea and vomiting. Pt says he woke up in the morning and after breakfast started feeling dizzy and…

Morning Report: 4/10/2014

Here’s Dr. Freedman with today’s Morning Report!   Delta Force  An approach to the possibly complicated metabolic acidosis   1st What’s primary? Compensation is alright, but its never enough Ph? What’s the respiratory system doing? 2nd Gapped or non-gapped? Normal…

Morning Report: 3/14/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Berzon!   Magnesium   • Balance is a a function of intake and excretion (360 mg intake) • GI excretion usually stable • Kidney is main regulator • Excretion in loop of Henle…