Tag: neuro

Dazed & Confused & Bored Review

It’s a typical busy Saturday night in the main ER, with your alcoholics and K2-smokers causing a ruckus, when you pick up a 32yo woman brought in by her friend for ‘acting strange.’ You think maybe she joined the K2-bandwagon…

Morning Report: 3/17/2015

Thanks to Dr. Corburn for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Malignant MCA Syndrome   Stats -Space occupying cerebral edema resulting after MCA stroke -Occurs in 10% of all strokes -About 13% of proximal MCA strokes experience severe cerebral edema  …

Morning Report: 10/30/2014

Thanks to Dr. Grock for presenting today’s Morning Report!   The Sign Out 45 yo M h/o AIDS (CD4=8, not on HAART) presents with voluminous non-bloody diarrhea x 3 days and near syncope/light-headedness today. No recent travel/antibiotics. He reports trying to…

All pressure is created equal

That moment when an idea strikes you. Something stutters the laminar flow of the mind. A mental murmur, perhaps. It’s that hiccup that alerts you that something’s up, something needs to be reassessed.   This happened to me at Janus…

Morning Report: 9/2/2014

Thanks to Dr. Wang for today’s Morning Report!   Case: 45 year old female with no PMH presents with dizziness. Pt woke up, stood up from bed, and started to feel room-spinning dizziness.  Resolved within a few mins. No other…

Morning Report: 6/24/2014

Thanks to Dr. McMillan for today’s Morning Report!   Traumatic Brain Injury – American Association of Neurological Surgeons Guidelines   Case#1: A 45 year-old man helmeted motorcyclist struck by van, negative loss of consciousness, and currently GCS 15 and appropriate but…