Tag: neuro

Morning Report: 3/25/2014

Thanks to Dr. Ting for today’s Morning Report!   Chronic SCI   Complications of chronic SCI –      DVT/PE –      Decubitus ulcers –      Pneumonia (even down to thoracic levels although only C3-5 controls the diaphragm due to impaired cough reflex) –     …

EM-CCM Conference: January 2014

EM-CCM Conference: January 2014 Presented by Dr. LoCascio Summary by Dr. Grock   The Case: 67 yo F pmhx ESRD on HD, HTN with slurred speech and Left sided weakness starting at 19:30.  H&P and work-up significant for BP 208/95,…

Another “worst headache of my life”?

In the evaluation of SAH in the ED, does everyone with a negative head CT require subsequent LP? On 1/29/14!, we’ll review Perry’s study in BMJ on CT performed within 6 hours of headache onset. Practice-changing?  Peruse and decide. Enjoy!…

Morning Report: 11/8/2013

Here’s Dr. DiMare with today’s Morning Report!   Post Traumatic Seizure (PTS)   Seizure after mild to moderate trauma: –       1.5 to 15% of patients –       Are due to focal, structural changes as a result of injury –       “Early” –…

Morning Report: 11/1/2013

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Brown!   Recommendations for Management of First-time Seizure and Status Epilepticus 1. Are we mandated to report to DMV? –       no, but other states (CA, DE, NV, NJ, PA) have mandatory reporting laws.…

Morning Report: 9/6/2013

Thanks to Dr. Bradby for today’s Morning Report!   Stroke in Sickle Cell Disease Neurological and Hematological Emergency 24% of sickle cell disease patients have a stroke by the age of 45 years these people have an increased risk of…

Morning Report: 8/22/2013

Here’s Dr. Adal with today’s Morning Report!     Differential diagnosis for generalized weakness   Neuromuscular (UMN and LMN) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Degeneration of the motor neuron Botulism: Toxin prevents release of Ach at neuromuscular junction Ciguatoxin: Toxin causes cell…