Tag: ortho

Morning Report: 4/25/2013

Thanks to Dr. Cheng for today’s Morning Report!   Here’s the Case: 38 yo M no PMH, construction worker, s/p mechanical trip/fall onto left knee. No medical issues. BIBEMS, ice pack placed.  Next steps? Ottawa Knee Rule (OKR)  vs. Pittsburgh Decision…

Morning Report: 4/16/2013

Here’s Dr. Basile with today’s Morning Report!   Ankle Dislocations –        Can lead to long-term morbidity –        Most commonly in young people in sports, falls, or MVCs –        Isolated ankle dislocation is rare –        Usually associated with malleolar fractures or…

Wednesday Wrap-up: 2/6/2013

Welcome to this week’s edition of Wednesday Wrap-up! We had a great conference day including a great discussion on how to deal with anterior shoulder dislocations. Dr. Melton presented an EBM review of the literature comparing intra-articular lidocaine to procedural…