Tag: procedures

Morning Report: 7/14/2015

Thanks to Dr. Wang for today’s Morning Report!   Lateral Orbital Canthotomy   Indications: Retrobulbar hemorrhage Increase IOP (IOP >40mm Hg) Proptosis   Contraindications: Globe rupture Hyphema Tear-drop-shaped pupil Peaked or irregularly shaped pupil   Procedure: Positioning: patient in the…

Morning Report: 11/4/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Corburn!   Following blunt facial trauma, a 35 year old patient is noted to have marked proptosis, restricted ocular movement, and decreased visual acuity of the left eye. What is the recommended temporizing…

Morning Report: 10/10/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Adal!   Shoulder dislocation   The most common joint dislocation (approximately 50% of all joints) Mechanism Presentation Associated injuries Anterior Indirect blow with arm in abduction, extension, and external rotation Arm is held…

Morning Report: 10/7/2014

Dr. Gomes presents today’s Morning Report!   PROCEDURAL SEDATION   Definition: -technique of administering a sedative or dissociative agent along with analgesia to induce a state that allows patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining adequate spontaneous cardiorespiratory function  …

Morning Report: 10/2/2014

Thanks to Dr. Rolston-Cregler for today’s Morning Report!   Supraclavicular CVC Placement First described in 1965 as an alternative method for obtaining central venous access At the insertion site the subclavian vein is closer to the skin than using the…

All pressure is created equal

That moment when an idea strikes you. Something stutters the laminar flow of the mind. A mental murmur, perhaps. It’s that hiccup that alerts you that something’s up, something needs to be reassessed.   This happened to me at Janus…

Morning Report: 4/24/2014

Here’s Dr. Shin with today’s Morning Report!   Burr Hole Craniostomy Mark H Wilson, David Wise, Gareth Davies and David Lockey. “Emergency burr holes: “How to do it” “Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012; 20: 24. 1) Ensure indications…