Tag: pulmonary

Morning Report: 3/20/2015

Dr. Grock presents today’s Morning Report!   Pulmonary Infections   CAP If no abx in last 3 mo and healthy: A Macrolide (2nd line Doxy) If chronic heart, lung, liver, renal disease, DM, ETOH, Ca, Asplenia, Immunosuppressed, or abx use…

Morning Report: 9/19/2014

Thanks to Dr. Grock for today’s Morning Report!   Case 1: 75 year old female with pmhx DVT no longer on Coumadin, recent radical mastectomy currently on chemo/rad for breast cancer presents after long flight with pleuritic chest pain and…

Morning Report: 12/13/13

Here’s a Friday the 13th edition of Morning Report presented by Dr. Waldman!   The Case: 42 yo F hx of asthma, heavy smoker p/w 3 days of wheezing and SOB.  Pt had been admitted for asthma in the past…

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013 PULMONARY EMBOLISM Summary by Dr. Eugene Kang   Diagnosis and EKG: -Most common EKG finding: non-specific ST-T changes (at least for our boards) -Other findings: sinus tachycardia, complete or incomplete RBBB, RAD, right atrial…

Morning Report: 8/23/2013

Thanks to Dr. Grock for today’s Morning Report!   The case: 20 yo male no pmhx, presents with pleuritic chest pain, dizziness, and worsening DOE x 3 days (class IV).  No fevers, no toxic habits, no travel/sx/immobilizations/hx dvt or pe.…

Morning Report: 5/2/2013

Here’s Dr. Kong with today’s Morning Report!   Intubation of the Asthmatic   Summary: 1. Exhaust all pharmacologic and non-invasive breathing therapies 2. The decision to intubate is usually clinical. 3. Remember good pre-intubation prep. 4. Predicted difficult intubation: hard…