Tag: resuscitation


This month we discussed a great review on the resuscitation of avalanche victims given by Dr. Rolston-Cregler. If you want to read that paper in its entirety, please click this link: AVALANCHE RESUS GUIDELINES Louis was also kind enough to put together…

Morning Report: 1/3/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 47 y.o male with history of EtOH abuse, presents with vomiting. VS: 97/52, HR 123 RR 24, Os Sat 98%. On exam the patient has a mildly distended abdomen with multiple…

Morning Report: 12/13/13

Here’s a Friday the 13th edition of Morning Report presented by Dr. Waldman!   The Case: 42 yo F hx of asthma, heavy smoker p/w 3 days of wheezing and SOB.  Pt had been admitted for asthma in the past…

Morning Report: 11/15/2013

Thanks to Dr. LoCascio for today’s Morning Report!   Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest   AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs states that CPR may be withheld, even if requested, “when efforts to resuscitate a patient are judged by the treating…

Morning Report: 6/20/2013

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. DiMare!   Color Change Capnography   How does it work? pH based REVERSIBLY reacts with expired CO2 purple with ETCO2 < 3mmHg yellow with ETCO2> 15mmHg   How good is it? –       nearly…