Tag: resuscitation

Hating on pulse-ox

We like to think we’re always practicing evidence-based medicine.  So we inform our consultants about likelihood ratios and ask how can they be “so sure.”  We try to be very aware of the sensitivities and specificities of the tests we…

Morning Report: 5/17/2013

Here’s Dr. Jegede with today’s Morning Report!   Therapeutic Hypothermia It’s benefits are compared to early defibrillation for improving survival in patients post cardiac arrest NNT to improve survival is 7. NNT to improve neurologic outcome is 5 Should be…

Morning Report: 4/26/2013

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Basile!   Delayed Sequence Intubation Why do this? –        Standard preoxygenation with NRB mask (65-80% FiO2) for 3 min or 8 vital capacity breaths has been shown to provide a buffer of 8…