Tag: toxicology

Tox Craze

Written by Alex Brevil A 52 y/o woman w/ fibromyalgia is found alone in her room in a confused state by her maid. She recently lost all of her retirement money and constantly “Blames Obama.” She is then rushed to…

Home Improvement’s Toxic and Never Bored, Review

Another busy day in the pediatric ED and Tim ‘The Tool-man’ Taylor brings in his 6yo boy who was complaining of abdominal and flank pain after drinking something in dad’s car garage. The boy said he “drank some of dad’s green garage…

Morning Report: 7/10/2015

Here’s Dr. Kincade with today’s Morning Report!   ETOH Withdrawal Case: A 45yo M presents to the ED for EtOH detoxification. Drinks 1L of vodka daily. Last drink 18 hours prior. VS: HR:150 beats/min, BP: 172/84 mm Hg, diaphoretic and…

Morning Report: 7/7/2015

Thanks to Dr. Kopping for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Digoxin Toxicity Digoxin falls under cardioactive steroids Fox glove, oleander, dried toad secretions Na/K ATPase inhibition Resting potential more positive, more likely to depolarize Increases inotropy by preventing Ca leaving…

Morning Report: 4/23/2015

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Adal!   Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning   Epidemiology: 200K fatalities worldwide every year   DDx: Cholinesterase inhibitors, Cholinomimetics, Nicotine alkaloids   Kinetics: Absorption via ingestion, inhalation or topical contact. Minutes to hours depending…

Morning Report: 4/21/2015

Thanks to Dr. Rolston-Cregler for today’s Morning Report!   Ethylene Glycol Toxicity   The Basics Toxic Alcohol with the chemical structure C2H6O2 Main ingredient in antifreeze Sweet taste often attracts children and animals   Clinical Presentation Altered mental status Dyspnea…

Hypotension and Bradycardia in the Poisoned Patient: Calcium Channel Antagonists

  The next topic in the case of a 23 year old female with an intentional, unknown overdose and subsequent hypotension and bradycardia is calcium channel antagonist (calcium channel blocker) poisoning. Calcium Channel Antagonists In contrast to β-adrenergic antagonists (BB),…