Tag: toxicology

Morning Report: 10/16/2014

Thanks to Dr. Gomes for another Morning Report!   Beta-blocker Toxicity   Receptors Beta 1- primarily in heart muscle. Activation –> increases HR, contractility and AV conduction. Decreased AV node refractoriness. Beta 2- primarily in bronchial and peripheral vascular smooth…

Morning Report: 9/30/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Bart!   Valproic Acid Background -Used for seizure disorders, BPD, migraine prophylaxis. -Peak concentrations at 6 hours except for enteric coated capsules. -Complications: -COMMON: Sedation, ataxia, weight gain, nausea, tremor, or hair loss…

Morning Report: 9/4/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Reisman!   Ackee Fruit Toxicity Ackee fruit grows mostly in the Caribbean islands and West Africa. The unripe fruit contains hypoglycin A. A metabolite of hypoglycin A binds to carnitine and coenzyme A,…

Morning Report: 8/28/2014

Dr. Muhlfelder presents today’s Morning Report! SCROMBOID The “seafood allergy”/ Histamine Toxicity   Significantly underreported-misdiagnosed as seafood allergy Contaminated dark meat fish i.e. tuna, mackerel, skip-jack and bonito (name derived from Scromdroidea class of fish initially associated with illness) Less…

Morning Report: 8/26/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom with today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 69 M with history of HTN and DM presents with 1 day of nausea and vomiting. Pt says he woke up in the morning and after breakfast started feeling dizzy and…

Morning Report: 8/14/2014

Thanks to Dr. Adesina for presenting today’s Morning Report!   GBL Toxicity   Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) is an addictive depressant used for its euphoric and sleep inducing effects. It is a prodrug to GHB. GBL can be synthesized from gamma-hydroxybutyric acid…

Morning Report: 7/29/2014

Thanks to Dr. Freedman for today’s Morning Report!   Digoxin Toxicity Background: Naturally occurring chemical compounds Na+/ATPase Channel blockers Prone to poisoning Large volume of distribution Long half-life, ~36 hours Narrow therapeutic window, 0.6 – 1.3 ng/mL Digoxin: An Old…

Morning Report: 5/16/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Youn!   Inhalant Abuse   Definitions: “the deliberate inhalation of vapors for the purpose of changing one’s consciousness or becoming ‘high’”  (Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies) –       Sniffing: inhalation of a volatile substance directly from…