Tag: toxicology

Morning Report: 12/20/2013

Thanks to Dr. Shin for a very timely Morning Report!   Carbon Monoxide Toxicity   Carbon Monoxide: Colorless and odorless and created by incomplete combustion Common sources are automobile exhaust, coal, wood or kerosene stoves   Pathophysiology: CO binds reversibly…

Morning Report: 12/12/2013

Thanks to Dr. Lewis for today’s Morning Report!   Coumadin-induced Coagulopathy   Coumadin Antithrombic effect:  blocks activation of vitamin K → interferes with hepatic carboxylation of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X → impairs the extrinsic and common pathway…

EM CCM Conference: October 2013

EM CCM Conference: October 2013 BETA-BLOCKER TOXICITY PRESENTED BY DR. KENDALL SUMMARY BY DR. YOUN The Case: HISTORY: 91F with HTN, DM on carvedilol, labetalol BIBEMS for weakness, dizziness, and near-syncope.   VITALS: BP 76/38, HR 41   PRIMARY INTERVENTIONS:…

Morning Report: 11/5/2013

Thanks to Dr. Paulson for today’s Morning Report!   Toxicology Corner The bat phone rings: “There’s a fire in the area, how many critical/non-critical beds do you have?” Dr. Silverberg: “1 million of each” Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Cyanide exposure…

Morning Report: 10/8/2013

Thanks to Dr. Gichinga for today’s Morning Report!   Carbamazepine Toxicity Carbamazepine (5H-dibenzazepine-5-carboxamide) is an iminostilbene derivative with a tricyclic structure. It is an antiepileptic drug widely used for treatment of simple partial seizures and complex partial seizures, trigeminal neuralgia, and bipolar affective…

Morning Report: 10/3/2013

Here’s Dr. Basile with today’s Morning Report!   Case:  60 yo female with pmh of htn, ESRD on HD presents as notification for syncope and hypotension.  BP of 75/40, HR of 45.  Afebrile Rectally.  Bedside sono, no large pericardial effusion.…