Tag: trauma

Morning Report: 3/24/2015

Here’s Dr. Alsup with today’s Morning Report!   Hip Dislocations   *Dislocations and fracture-dislocations are true orthopedic emergencies   History: ABC’s: This injury is a red flag for multisystem injury Associated injury (95%) Assoc acetabular fracture 70% Knee fractures/ligamentous injury/…

Morning Report: 1/13/2015

Thanks to Dr. Wang for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Nailbed Injuries   Typically caused by crush injuries with hammer, in doorway, or car doors. Trauma by saws, knives, or drills can also cause these injuries Subungual hematoma: 50% have…

Morning Report: 7/31/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Youn!   OPEN FRACTURES   Definition: any fx that communicates with an overlying disruption of skin and soft tissues Initial assessment: still the ABCs (including pulses, hemorrhage control) Key history: mechanism, time course…